Our engagements

restaurant with sustainable development label

 It is not always easy to reconcile the world of catering with ecology. On a daily basis, through our purchases, our consumption, we try our best to limit our environmental impact through actions in favor of sustainable development. We have been audited by the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Region on various points, of which the following is a summary. Our commitment has been rewarded with the "Gold" eco-challenges label. We are proud of it but we are also aware that some points still need to be improved. 


To visit the official Eco Challenges website, click here.

eco-responsible label

Energy consumption :

  • 100% LED signs & lights

  • Gradual replacement of fridges and ovens with less energy-consuming models

  • Use of rechargeable batteries and table lamps

  • Maintenance of fridges & freezers to avoid loss of refrigerants

  • Defrosting fridges & freezers

  • Consumption tracking

eco-responsible label

Transportation : 

  • Reduction in the number of supplier deliveries, grouping of orders

  • Purchases in short circuits & local maximum French

  • Encouragement of employees to carpool, bike, public transport



eco-responsible label

Waste : 

  • Reduction of supplier packaging: purchases in bulk or large containers with minimal packaging

  • Use of returnable bottles

  • Use of returnable crates

  • Purchase of second-hand furniture and equipment, reuse, donations

  • Reduction of food waste, limitation of losses

  • Doggy bags available for customers

  • Implementation of selective sorting: boxes / glass / green waste / bulky items

  • Use of reusable containers rather than the use of cling film

  • Setting up composter for organic waste

  • Equipment repairs

eco-responsible label

Water management : 

  • Recovery of fruit & vegetable washing water to water the garden
  • Recovery of buckets of wine to water the garden
  • Installation of mixer taps
  • Installation of pressure reducers
  • Installation of a grease trap to facilitate wastewater treatment
  • Reduction of consumption thanks to the replacement of the steam oven, less consuming washing machines
  • Consumption monitoring
  • Repair of leaks

Eco-services & social responsibility : 


  • Organic products, sustainable agriculture
  • Fish with the sustainable fishing label
  • Fair trade coffee & teas
  • Eco cert labeled cleaning products
  • Business cards & menus with the Imprim vert label
  • Dematerialization of supplier invoices, accounting
  • Establishment accessible to all
  • Member of merchant association, former students of the Lycée Hôtelier de Nice
  • Support for local associations
  • Apprentice & trainee training